Many decisions affecting the education of BPS students are made in schools. School-based decision-making is the responsibility of the School Site Council.

The School Site Council meets once a month, and is composed of parents, teachers, and the principal. It approves school rules, is involved in the hiring process for new teachers, and reviews the school budget. Parents are very important members of these councils.

If you are interested in joining and being elected into the School Site Council, please reach out to Mercedes Garcia, Family Liaison, at


The School Site Council typically meets on the second Tuesday of the month, from 6:00pm to 7:30pm. Until the forseable future, we will be hosting our meetings virtually, over Zoom.

Meetings are open to the public. We welcome input from families and community members.

Proposed meeting dates for 2020-2021 are as follows:

  • December 8th

  • January 12th

  • February 9th

  • March 9th

  • April 13th

  • May 11th

  • June 8th


Staff Representatives

Joel Stembridge (Principal)

Caitlyn Castillejo

Marcia Harris

Jonathan Bynum

Alex Weir

Lauren Brett

Erin McDonald

Parent Representatives

Nicole Flynn (co-chair)

Barbara Barrows

Gerline Cesár Desire

Student Representatives

Jaden Pinet