Early College and Career Pathways


Charlestown High School offers three distinct Early College and Career Pathways for students, C-Town Business, C-Town Technology, and C-Town Health. The Early College and Career Pathways build a connection between high school, college, and future careers. Through early access to free college courses, career exploration, and mentor-ship, students get a head start on post-secondary education and feel empowered and prepared to make decisions about their futures!

Beginning in the 9th grade, C-Town Pathways expands upon our partnerships with Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) to provide a unique opportunity for students to explore topics and careers in Business, Technology and Health. In the 10th grade, students enroll as dual-enrollment students at BHCC, and begin earning college credits that can be used towards an industry recognized degree at BHCC or transferable to many other institutions. Over the course of the program, students can earn up to 30 college credits, all FREE of charge.

Why Early College

Early College is an innovative and unique way for students to begin earning college credits while still in high school! Through Charlestown High School’s Early College and Career Pathways students have an opportunity to earn up to 30 College Credits, all free of charge. Since the Pathways Program began in 2014, Charlestown High School students have earned over 300 college credits!

Early College changes the High School experience! Students have access to tutors, professors, mentors, and participate in career exploration and development opportunities including job shadow days, workshops, and potential jobs and internships. 

Key Elements of C-Town Pathways

  • 9th Grade, hands-on exploratory classes

  • Free college courses beginning in the 10th grade!

  • Students can earn up to 30 college credits

  • Individual and small group mentoring

  • Career exploration, development, and experience including potential jobs and internships at major Boston companies

  • Academic and industry skill development

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up for C-Town Pathways?

If you would like to join the C-Town Pathways, please select Charlestown High School in the School Selection form. Once you are placed at Charlestown High School, you will have the opportunity to enroll in C-Town Pathways programs.

What are the benefits of C-Town Career Pathways?

Students can earn up to 30 college credits towards an industry recognized degree at Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC). Along with earning college credits, students have access to mentoring, advising, and tutoring from BHCC, CHS, and industry professionals.

Who is eligible for C-Town Pathways?

Everyone! The C-Town Career Pathways programs are open to all interested students.

Does my child have to ‘test into’ C-Town Pathways?

No. Enrolling in C-Town Pathways does not require an entrance exam.

How much does the program cost?

Nothing! It is entirely FREE to students and families. In fact, students can earn money through jobs or internships and can save money towards college!

Where do classes take place?

In the 9th and 10th grade, all classes take place at Charlestown High School. In addition to a student’s standard course-load, Pathways students will take additional courses at Charlestown High School. In the 11th and 12th grade, students will take classes at Bunker Hill Community College.

Are there any summer or after school commitments?

Yes. Over the course of the year there will be times when students are expected to participate in-school activities like job shadows or field trips, or after-school activities like orientations and college workshops. Because students are taking a fast-paced and challenging course, it is expected they will dedicate out of school time to their class. There will be mandatory family nights for families to learn more about the program. 

For more information about C-Town Early College and Career Pathways please contact

C-Town Pathways Coordinator Aaron Altman at aaltman@bostonpublicschools.org