High school students want jobs. Jobs, internships, and career opportunities mean professional experience. They look good on future resumes and college applications. And they let you earn money.

At CHS, we work with the Boston Private Industry Council (PIC) to help students find jobs and internships. Most significantly, we have an ongoing partnership with Liberty Mutual Insurance, which provides yearly internship opportunities for 60 students both at the Liberty Mutual office and at community-based organizations in the Boston area.

To help support high school students in their job readiness and job search processes, the Boston PIC places a Career Specialist at Charlestown High School. Through group workshops and one-on-one guidance, the Career Specialist helps students learn job readiness skills (resume writing, interview skills, workplace etiquette, professional presence) and provides support throughout the job application and decision making processes. The Career Specialist also provides opportunities for students to participate in the PIC's annual Job Shadow Day to explore potential careers. In addition to helping students apply to job opportunities in the Boston area, the Career Specialist also recruits eligible students for specific PIC summer internship programs in community-based organizations and private sector companies, and works with students and employers throughout the course of the internship to help ensure a successful summer.

If you are looking for a school year, summer or full-time job or would just like to talk to someone about how to prepare for a future career, please see Ms. Paquette, the Boston PIC Career Specialist, in the PIC office (located in the library). The PIC office is open to students in all grade levels and SLCs. We look forward to seeing you there!

Contact Shantalle Ruiz: Shantalle.Ruiz@bostonpic.org
PIC Office Hours Mon 9am-4pm, Tues 1pm-4pm, Wed-Fri 9am-4pm