Business Pathway

We BUILD Dreams


What is C-Town Business

C-Town Business expands upon our partnerships with BUILD and Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) to provide a unique opportunity for students to explore topics and careers in Business. Through the combination of rigorous coursework, career exploration, and real world experiences, C-Town Business is designed to prepare students for success in high school, college, and careers across many industries. Centered around project-based learning and real world experiences, students are able to learn effective business models and strategies. Working in small teams, students ultimately design, produce, market, and sell their own products. Students in C-Town Business will learn what it takes to run a successful business and the essentials of becoming an entrepreneur! Interested in business? This is the Pathway for you!

Business Pathway Outline

Beginning in the 9th grade, students in C-Town Business explore topics and careers in business through experiencing all the phases of starting a company. Students first research the need for a product, develop a prototype, and ask for investors. Through producing, marketing, and selling their own products, students understand all aspects of running a successful business. 

In the 10th grade, students enroll as dual-enrollment students, and begin earning college credits through Bunker Hill Community College, taking two business courses at CHS> Each business course in the 10th grade is designed to provide an introduction to the world of business, and to prepare students for coursework at BHCC.


Enrollment Information

Do you want to create, design, market, and sell your own product?  Do you like working in teams to solve problems? Interested in running your own business one day? We are currently looking for interested 9th grade students to join us in the Fall!

There is no separate application or enrollment process to apply for the C-Town Business Career Pathway. To enroll at Charlestown High School and C-Town Business, please rank and select Charlestown High School #1 on your school selection form!

For more information about C-Town Early College and Career Pathways please contact

C-Town Pathways Coordinator Dr. Milton Samuels at